Hints of Finishes

You may have noticed some changes to the outside of 2746 N. Milwaukee this week; storefront frames installed, a dip in the sidewalk fixed and replaced with a small ramp to where a new vestibule will sit. Today, inspectors examine our plumbing rough in, after which the snaking systems of pipes and conduit and wire that make up the complex innards of our new store will be sealed away behind slabs of drywall. Those attending our Pickle Preview construction tour this Sunday will see hints of finishes: floor tile in this room, painted ceilings there, and a sumptuous rust red epoxy coating the back of house floors. Walk in coolers will be installed and the dimension of rooms—prep rooms, restrooms, office space, kitchen—will be concrete, so to speak. I hope you’ll stop by this Sunday any time between 1 and 3pm to take a tour of the work and learn how you can help make the co-op opening in September a resounding success!


Check baby check baby 1,2,3,4


A Truly Majestic Ventilation Hood