Cooperative Governance 

The Dill Pickle is a cooperative corporation incorporated in Illinois. Our owners annually elect three seats to a nine-seat board of directors to oversee the General Manager through policy governance. Terms are three years in length and generally rotate in November of each year.

Board Meetings

The Dill Pickle Board of Directors typically meets on the second Monday of each month, 6:15-7:45pm in the store cafe, 2746 N Milwaukee Ave.

Meetings are open to all owners who wish to attend as observers, with 10 minutes allotted for owner questions and comments for the record. They can be attended in person or via Zoom. If you would like to express your viewpoint on any matter and are unable to attend, write us at

Register for the next meeting here to participate!

2024-25 Board of Directors

Key Documents

The Bylaws of the Dill Pickle Food Co-op set out the terms of co-op ownership, election and duties of the Board of Directors, duties of officers, duties of the General Manager, and meetings of the ownership. This document is set by the Board and changes are approved by a vote of the ownership.

  • The Policy Register of the Dill Pickle Food Co-op describes the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors, and the methods it uses to oversee the co-op. The Board uses the formal system of policy governance to establish a structure for its work.

  • The Director Job description outlines qualifications and expectations for individual members of the Board.

Committee Contacts

  • Owner Linkage Committee:

  • Finance Committee:

  • Policy & Bylaw Review Committee: